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Hydrangea Lime Green

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added by Louise


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Variety Information

Color : Green
Color Description: As far as distinguising Lime Green from other greens, look less at the colour and more at the thickness of the petals.
Scented: No
General Comments: Lime Green has Bright green thicker petals.

Edit Florist & Wholesaler Information

Florist & Wholesaler Information

  • Popular cut flower which can also be used to dry.
  • Most commonly grown species for the cut flower industry is Hydrangea Macrophylla and is available in a vast range of colors.
  • The color of individual varieties will change dramatically depending on season, climate, growing region and acidity and aluminium content of soil.
  • The most common white, pink and blue varieties are now widely grown Year Round in a range of sizes from "Mini" to "Extra Large" in South America.
  • Immature White Hydrangea harvested when they are still green ( sold as "Mini Green" ) have become very popular from South America and bear a striking resemblance to "Viburnum Snowball".
  •  Dutch Variety Hydrangeas are available in a wide spectrum of colors from Holland from March to November. These are not available in the winter months.
  • New Zealand has a large production of Premium Hydrangea from December to May.
  • "Antique" Hydrangea colors are most available in the late Summer and Fall season as traditonal varieties change color due to colder weather           ( Late Winter and early Spring from New Zealand).
  • White Hydrangeas are often tinted or painted to provide seasonal colors from South America. 'Painted'' refers to the process of spray painting the hydrangea, whereas ''Tinted '' means that it was done by stem absorption.
  • Care and Handling:
  • Should be re pre-treated  using a commerical hydration solution such as "Quick Dip", then transferred to regular floral preservative treated water. This dual treatment seems to help keep the hydrangeas up to 10 days. 
  • Hydrangeas react negativley to metal containers. Should be held in glass vases.
  • Hydrangeas need lots of water! Check and change water regularly and if using Oasis, ensure maximum water level at all times.
  • Avoid exposure to draughts, bright sun or ethelyne gas from fruit.

Grading Information

Graded by stem length and bloom size.
Typically 50 to 70cm tall with a 10 to 20cm bloom size.

  • Mini Grade : 9-12 cm bloom with a 60cm stem. Packed by 40 or 60
  • Regular Grade: 12-15cm bloom with a 60cm bloom. Packed by 50
  • Select Grade : 16+cm bloom with a 60cm stem. Packed by 40
  • Premium Grade : 18cm+ bloom with a 60cm stem. Packed by 30 
  • Extra Grade: 20+cm bloom with 60cm stem. Packed by 30
  • Jumbo Grade: 25+cm bloom with a 60cm stem. Packed by 16 

Grower and Breeder Information

  • Must be carefully packed to avoid shipping damage.
  • Should be shipped with water vials to avoid dehydration.
Sierra Flower Finder is dedicated to the professional floral community by Sierra Flower Trading. Through this collaborative site, we are creating the opportunity for breeders, growers, wholesalers and florists to share their knowledge and passion for the incredible diversity of flowers that make our industry so unique.