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Ranunculus Mambo

(3.0 out of 1 votes)
added by Tureya.A


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Variety Information

Color : Orange
Availability: Ecuadorian
Scented: No

Edit Florist & Wholesaler Information

Florist & Wholesaler Information

  • Mostly sold by color and not variety.
  • Some varieties are available by name, examples are included in "Common Names" section.
  • General Variety Families include ELEGANCE, Clooney, Aazur & Butterfly.
  • Clooney has the largest bloom size, ELEGANCE the most consistent head size & Aazur the biggest selection of Novelty Colors. 
  • BUTTERFLY has a structure similar to Anemone but with a higher petal count. 
  • Great cut flower with delicate paper like blooms that are available in a range of interesting pastel colours. 
  • Extremely high petal count so tends to open in magnificent fashion once put in water.
  • Considering the delicate nature of the blooms, Ranunculus is remarkably long lasting.
  • Globally available year round, lots of supply in South America & Europe (Italy, Netherlands, Israël, France) though scarcity can bring the supply out of price range for most.
  • Two supplies are of special note:
  1. in late winter the Israëli supply of Pon Pon Ranunculus
  2. and in early spring the Northern California (Mellano & Co) season offers a nice supply.

Grading Information

  • Graded by stem length and bunched in 10 stem bunches.

Grower and Breeder Information

  •  Should be shipped with blooms showing good colour but not open.
Sierra Flower Finder is dedicated to the professional floral community by Sierra Flower Trading. Through this collaborative site, we are creating the opportunity for breeders, growers, wholesalers and florists to share their knowledge and passion for the incredible diversity of flowers that make our industry so unique.