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Sierra Flower Finder Premium Contributor

Grower Name: Multiflora
Name: Alejandro Ortiz
Nickname: Multiflora
Member Type: Premium Grower
Member Since: April 16, 2013
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Multiflora has 157 listed varieties
Grower Information
Location: Carretera de Occidente Km 16-17 Vía Mosquera Parque Industrial San Carlos 1, Local 4 - Bogotá
Varieties: Chrysanthemums Single, Chrysanthemums Spray, Carnations, Mini Carnations, Roses, Consumer Bunches, Mixed Bouquets, Novelties
Programs: Flor Verde Global Gap
Web Site:
Phone: 305-593-7073 ext 162
Fax: 888-411-0250 toll free
Other Info:
Multiflora has been a leader in the floral industry since 1969. We pride ourselves on being the best source for unsurpassed farm fresh quality flowers, great customer service and dedicated sales support in every market across North and South America, Asia, Europe, Australia and the Caribbean
Our online Order Entry System is fully integrated between our sales representatives and post harvest operations, alowing us to pack the product according to each customer´s needs. After the product is packed, we have the infrastructure to guarantee the cold chain is kept from our farms to our customers. Therefore, we are able to place your flowers anywhere in the world thanks to our expertise in handling all export requirements of the shipping logistics process.
Nuestra plataforma de compras está completamente integrada desde su computador a todos nuestros sistemas de disponibilidad, permitiéndonos despachar el producto de acuerdo a las necesidades del cliente. Después de que el producto es empacado, contamos con toda la infraestructura para garantizar toda la cadena de frío desde nuestras fincas hasta el cliente. De esta manera, estamos en capacidad de llevar las flores a cualquier parte del mundo gracias a nuestra expertís en manejo y todos los requerimientos de exportaciones y despachos.
Наша интернет-платформа полностью интегрирована между вашим компьютером и нашей системой, которая позволяет нам отправлять ваш заказ в точности. После упаковки продукта наша специализированная инфраструктура обеспечит постоянную цепочку холода. Таким образом, мы можем доставить свежие цветы в любую точку мира, благодаря нашему опыту во всех процессах экспорта, логистики и доставки.

Languages: English, Spanish and Pусский (Russian)
Recently Added Varieties (Total: 32)
Rose Eose Palm Peach
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Rose Mount Everest
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Spray Novelty Candle
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Spray White Needle
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Chrys Disbud Nexus
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Added on: May 9, 2013
Recently Added Pictures (Total: 64)
Rose Eose Palm Peach
Added on: May 15, 2013
Rose Eose Palm Peach
Added on: May 15, 2013
Rose Mount Everest
Added on: May 15, 2013
Rose Mount Everest
Added on: May 15, 2013
Spray Novelty Candle
Added on: May 9, 2013
Spray Novelty Candle
Added on: May 9, 2013
Spray Novelty Candle
Added on: May 9, 2013
Spray White Needle
Added on: May 9, 2013
Spray White Needle
Added on: May 9, 2013
Sierra Flower Finder is dedicated to the professional floral community by Sierra Flower Trading. Through this collaborative site, we are creating the opportunity for breeders, growers, wholesalers and florists to share their knowledge and passion for the incredible diversity of flowers that make our industry so unique.