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Garden Rose Phoebe

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Variety Information

Common names: **NOT IN PRODUCTION Phoebe (Ausnotice) by David Austin Roses
Color : Pink
Color Description: **NOT IN PRODUCTION A warm shade of deep rose pink.
Bloom Size: Medium
Bloom Size Details: **NOT IN PRODUCTION Slightly cupped rosettes with around 145 petals.
Lengths available: **NOT IN PRODUCTION 30cm - 60cm
Vase Life: Average
Vase Life Details: **NOT IN PRODUCTION A vase life of 6-7 days.
Availability: **NOT IN PRODUCTION Available throughout the year.
Scented: Yes
General Comments: **NOT IN PRODUCTION A variety of true antique character. Phoebe's blooms open quickly, revealing many inner petals, which maintain their purity of color well as the flowers age. They are arranged to form open, slightly cupped rosettes of typical old rose formation, with a classic button eye. Phoebe has a strong, complex and deliciously fruity fragrance.

Edit Florist & Wholesaler Information

Florist & Wholesaler Information

  • This is a traditonal "garden type" rose variety developed for the commercial cut flower floral industry.
  • These beautiful varieties tend to be extremely fragrant.
  • They are valued for their beautiful form, unique colors and exquisite scents.
  • Garden rose varieties open very quickly.
  • Garden varieties should be transported to market as directly as possible.
  • Generally sold at higher prices than most traditional floral industry varieties.

Grading Information

  • Graded by stem length in centimeters.
  • Usually only available in short and medium grades.

Grower and Breeder Information

  • Leading Breeders (2010) : European Breeders
  • Many great new varieties have recently (2010) been developed by breeders who work exclusively on the development of garden rose varieties for the cut flower industry.
  • Great care in packing is critical for these more delicate garden rose varieties.
Sierra Flower Finder is dedicated to the professional floral community by Sierra Flower Trading. Through this collaborative site, we are creating the opportunity for breeders, growers, wholesalers and florists to share their knowledge and passion for the incredible diversity of flowers that make our industry so unique.